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Trigger Diodes

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Once a manufacturer passes our audit, we conduct further in-depth testing on their products, encompassing electrical performance tests, environmental compatibility assessments, and longevity evaluations. This meticulous approach and professional execution allow us to assure our clients that all products supplied by Minintel are carefully selected, ensuring peace of mind regarding quality. This lets our clients focus wholeheartedly on product innovation and business development without any concerns about the supply chain.


Furthermore, we offer highly competitive pricing strategies, particularly advantageous for bulk buyers, with more favorable prices aimed at assisting our clients in reducing costs and enhancing their market competitiveness. Whether you are a startup or a large-scale manufacturer, Minintel is your dependable partner. We are dedicated to providing you with one-stop solutions for electronic component procurement, enabling you to maintain a leading position in the rapidly changing market landscape.

    Trigger Diode (1)1bd
    Trigger Diode (2)3if
    Trigger Diode (3)1hz
    Trigger Diode (4)soz
    Trigger Diode (5)4rs
    Trigger Diode (6)5nq
    Trigger Diode (7)8z4
    Trigger Diode (8)9yq
    Trigger Diode (9)ofj
    Trigger Diode (10)bzt
    Trigger Diode (11)kyv
    Trigger Diode (12)r85
    Trigger Diode (13)ori
    Trigger Diode (14)cht
    Trigger Diode (15)2js

    Given the wide range of product categories and the continuous introduction of new products, the models in this list may not fully cover all options. We sincerely invite you to consult at any time for more detailed information.

    Trigger Diodes
    Manufacturer Package Operating Temperature

    Repetitive Peak On-state Current (Itrm) Vbo (Range Value)

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    Trigger Diodes, also known as trigger diodes, are a special type of diode that can suddenly conduct when certain conditions are met, triggering other components or systems in the circuit. This type of diode is widely used in electronic circuits, especially in situations where precise control of voltage or current is required.

    Main types
    There are various types of trigger diodes, with the most common being the Bi-directional Trigger Diode, also known as DIAC. Bidirectional trigger diode has bidirectional conductivity, that is, regardless of the positive and negative polarity of the voltage, as long as the voltage across it reaches the trigger voltage, it will conduct. This makes it very useful in AC circuits and situations where bidirectional triggering is required.

    application area
    Trigger diodes are widely used in electronic circuits, including but not limited to the following aspects:

    Switching power supply: In a switching power supply, a trigger diode is often used as part of the starting circuit to trigger the conduction of a switch such as a MOSFET or IGBT, thereby controlling the switching state of the power supply.
    Lighting circuit: In LED lighting circuits, trigger diodes can be used to trigger the control circuit in the LED driver, enabling functions such as dimming and switching of LED lights.
    Motor control: In the motor control system, the trigger diode can be used to trigger the control circuit in the motor driver to achieve functions such as starting, stopping, and speed regulation of the motor.
    Protection circuit: In some circuits, the trigger diode can also be used as an overvoltage protection component. When the voltage in the circuit exceeds the set value, the trigger diode will conduct and trigger the protection circuit to prevent damage to the circuit.

    matters needing attention
    When using trigger diodes, the following points should be noted:

    Trigger voltage: The trigger voltage of the trigger diode is a key parameter, and it is necessary to select the appropriate trigger voltage value based on the specific application scenario.
    Current Limiting: When the trigger diode is conducting, it must withstand a certain current surge. Therefore, it is necessary to select suitable current limiting components such as resistors and inductors to protect the trigger diode from damage.
    Temperature characteristics: The performance of the trigger diode is greatly affected by temperature, so it is important to pay attention to the temperature range of its working environment and take necessary cooling measures when using it.